Our Vision

Once you perceive and recognize the world,
You would become to know
"there's a long way to go"

If you make an effort to catch up with the world
from such experiences as a springboard,
you will be able to become a person who represent Japan
and be able to act globally

Sports, and we, would like to be a trigger
for your brilliant career in the world

Our Misson

Building bridge with the world through sports
The world seems close but distant in reality.
However, if there is some kind of "opportunity", the distance to the world will be greatly reduced. Which is important, is when and how that “opportunity” can be encontered.
Fortuna Sports Co. Ltd will provide all kinds of opportunities for international exchange through sports, and will do our utmost to "develop international human resources" who will lead Japan and the world in the future.

Our Business

We provide opportunities for international exchange through sports
We invite professional athletes and coaches who play(ed) overseas, and provide with:
1) Sports classes for youth
2) Sports seminars for instructors
3) Foreign language course
4) Business seminar etc
"I want to learn from the world and want to be an international person!!"
Fortuna Sports Co Ltd will do our best to support such ambitious.

About Us

Please visit our page of company profile below

Latest News

January 20 2024
INAC Kobe won the Empress Cup for the first time in 7 years! Congratulations, Jordi!!
September 1 2023
Announced the opening of new backetball school for elementary school kids in Koto-ku in Nobember!  
Recruiting information here
July 10 2023
Jordi Ferrón has been appointed the head coach of INAC Kobe Leonessa (one of the top club in women's football league in Japan). Congratulations, Jordi!!
July 2 2023
Participated "PROTAGONISTA Cup" which was held by Minori Chiba (Secció Esportiva AEM, Spain)
June 11 2023
Organized football talk event with "Periodista" Ichiro Ozawa
May 31 to June 9 2023
Invited Jordi Ferrón, who played FC Barcelona and Spanish U23 national team 
Organized football lessons for Jumonji highschool and Toyo university
January 17 2023
Established Fortuna Sports Co., Ltd
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